The second-most popular “style” in craft beer sales (after the IPA, of course) isn’t a style at all! It’s the variety pack. A variety pack enables you to expose more people to more of your excellent beer styles. Atlas has standing dies (no tooling charges!) for variety packs for the common 12-12oz bottle and 12-12oz can configurations, as well as 4-16oz, and 8-16oz cans. Plus, Atlas can configure any other variety pack you can dream up. Give us a call and put us to work…we’ll get more of your beer to more people in as little as 3-4 weeks.
September Label / Keg Collar Promotion
2345 days ago.
Labor Day 12-Pack Can Box Promotion
2382 days ago.
2485 days ago.
Plan Ahead for Summer Six-Pack Carriers and Can Boxes
2883 days ago.
Corrugated Price Increase Likely (Don’t Shoot the Messenger)
2892 days ago.
CiderCon 2017
2906 days ago.
Sneak Preview of Atlas’s Online Stock Packaging Store
2925 days ago.
“Plain Tray” Sale – Darned Near Sold Out
2926 days ago.